Confirmation is a two year program based on renewing our baptismal promises in preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. Service is a large component of both these programs, and an integral part of building our faith and putting it into action.
With this in mind, all students in Confirmation I (8th graders) & II (9th graders) are expected to serve in some capacity at the 9 am Sunday mass. From welcoming at the doors, to ushering, music ministry, altar serving and lectoring. There will be roles each week for each of the teams.
In combination with the Family Faith Formation Program used through the CIA program, Confirmation I and II also use Ascenion Press’ Chosen. Our goal is to show our faith in action. We answer our Holy Father’s call to action, and - by example - help the teens to see why their faith is so important and how it will serve them throughout their lives.
We meet on Sunday morning beginning with Mass at 9 am with class follwing 10:15 - 11:45 am.